Body, mind and soul
We talk about change, and to apply it we use a variety of ideas that essentially convey the need for companies to adapt to the new demands of their customers and the market.
In the vast majority of cases that I have been witness to, a radical transformation is necessary, and this adaptation requires a lot and fast. This radical transformation will inevitably involve an evolution in what, why and how we do things. It will involve a modification of organisations’ bodies, minds and souls.
The body must be agile, flexible and resistant in order to learn and endure the most diverse and adverse exercises. The mind must be open and curious, excited about experimenting and capable of facing risks and coexisting with a fear of the unknown. The soul should reward effort, acknowledge merits and accept mistakes in order to create an environment that encourages being different and a personality which never gives up.
Cycles of change are increasingly shorter and the changes to be made in those cycles are increasingly more radical Is it possible to change without really changing? It is difficult to change from doing, thinking and being, to doing agilely, thinking agilely and being culturally agile as an organisation. What is essential for business is a balance between individual and collective mentalities, in order to develop and successfully implement processes and structures that allow us to be agile.
Therefore, organisational transformation must be added to business transformation. In this plan we slowly but surely develop the necessary skills to face the challenges that arise from the changes taking place within the organisation. But without being aware of the need to change and without a desire for change, developing a knowledge of how to change and the ability to implement that change is impossible.
Some organisations are more focused on the ‘what’ than on the ‘how’. That is a short-term vision that leads nowhere. We will only be able to develop high-performance systems that allow us to evolve by answering those ‘hows’. A system comprising inspiring leaders who facilitate the development of cohesive teams, who integrate agile working models and who are truly focused on the challenges of optimisation (which we are aware of and can improve) and transformation (which we are not aware of and must learn).
Let’s become more agile, open and intelligent over the next few years. These are not skills that we can learn over-night. Later may be too late.