Systematic Facilitation

Systematic Facilitation

Systematic Facilitation (SF) is a method for creating spaces, giving them purpose and upholding their qualities so that the information in a system can emerge from the deepest layers through reflections, sensations and sentiments.

What is it for?

The spaces generated by Systematic Facilitation allow people and teams:

  • Gain awareness of the individual and collective reality.
  • Enhance the feeling of belonging to an organisation.
  • Find the best personal and professional place for everyone.
  • Strike a balance between what is given and received.
  • Reconnect with the strength of history and of values.
  • Be more committed to the vision and the future.
  • Activate the resources and skills of the team members.
  • Speed up the decision-making process by including all the elements that are affected.
  • Turn meetings into spaces with specific intentions and qualities.
  • Prevent and manage conflict.
  • Design accessible potential plans of action with the commitment of those involved.

What does Systematic Facilitation offer you as a consultant or leader?

  • A new way to take a stance, detached from the result and turning power over completely to the client.
  • A broad, in-depth perspective of the problem and its possible solutions.
  • A connection with your deepest “wherefrom” as a facilitator.
  • The development of the skills needed to guide individual and group transformation processes.
  • A set of very efficient tools for diagnostic and transformative processes.

How do we train Systematic Facilitators?

The content is taught hands-on, by doing. Our commitment to the students lies in promoting the implementation of the tools and in developing the skills acquired during the courses. And also in ensuring that their “wherefrom” as a systematic facilitator is founded as a unique element that provides value.

During the training, students practise on real and dynamic interactive scenarios that are used to share the conceptual foundations of the model.

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“I believe that Systemic Facilitation is an entirely different work methodology. Meetings around a table are no longer effective, I need to move and interact with people to find their truth regarding the subject at hand, to SENSE. I create appropriate spaces where people can express themselves and have access to information”

Marta Esteve, Life coach and executive consultant

"Systemic Facilitation’s (SF) clear and organic language has allowed me to reach my professional goals at work, because with SF teams create spaces where productive dialogue and revealing conversations can take place, which in turn allow those teams to more easily face difficult issues and be more conscious, organised and cohesive, making committed decisions that they were not prepared to take before. And we all know that leadership is developed by the conversations we have as much as by those we do not have. Accompanying teams while they create those spaces, address and clarify issues, and make and evaluate decisions, is undoubtedly the greatest contribution SF has given me and those I work with - and it is something that every company, and all teams need. Achieving this is a challenge and a necessity. Doing it in a fluid, dynamic and efficient way is a luxury"

Ani Valenzuela, Psychologist, Coach and Corporate Trainer